World Space Week 2023 at Kongunadu College Coimbatore

Senthilkumar Rajappan is the Founder Blogger of, He is…
The entire Kongunadu College campus resembled a space station. From rocket models to details about rockets and their technology, there was so much students could learn at the event. It was the ‘World Space Week 2023’ (WSW). The participation of 3 scientists from ISRO was another highlight of the event. Mr. Athappa Manickam, Founder and chairman, MAK Controls & Systems Private Limited, was the Chief Guest for the event.
The other dignitaries present included Mr. Subbananthan, Deputy General Manager, ISRO, Mr. Grihadurai, Deputy Director, ISRO, Dr C.A. Vasuki, Secretary, KASC, Coimbatore, Prof. Dr V..Bharathi Harishankar, Vice Chancellor, Avinashilingam Institute for Home Science & Higher Education for Women, Coimbatore, Dr Thavamani D. Palaniswami, Secretary – Dr NGP Arts & Science College, Dr F. X. Lovelina Little Flower, Professor, HOD- Social Work, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore and Dr. R. Saravanamoorthy, Academic Coordinator, KASC, Coimbatore. The event is being held from 05-10-2023 to 07-10-2023.
Mr. Subbananthan in his special address said that successful launch of Chandrayaan -3 and Aditya – L1 to show the capabilities of the organization. He mentioned that the theme for this year’s WSW celebration is ‘Space and Entrepreneurship’, while ‘Space technology in the service of mankind’ is the tagline. Adding further he said that youth should be encouraged to become entrepreneurs.
Dr.Vasuki, during her Presidential address, thanked ISRO, Sri Harikota for selecting KASC for hosting the event in 2023. She welcomed the young school students to the event and said that they are the ones who are going to make the future ‘Bharat’ and make the country proud in 2047, as our PM says. Pointing out to the students she said that the whole world is looking upon them and wants them to become entrepreneurs, who are going to not only contribute to India, and be the ‘Vishwaguru’ to the world. She added that space research is something not new for India. She mentioned that more than six thousand years ago there was a separate chapter on astronomy in the Rig Veda. Dr Vasuki pointed out Lagada, who lived during ancient times and was a renowned astrologer.
Dr. Bharathi Harishankar pointed out that that passion is required to excel in a particular field. She said that she always had faith in the younger generation because they had more time, skills, and aptitude. She added that the younger lot is smarter and therefore the onus is on them, which is a key takeaway from the speech.
Dr. Thavamani D. Palaniswami stated that science and technology hold the key to the progress of any country. Technology plays the primary role in industry development, wealth creation, and improvement in quality of life, economic growth and transformation in any society. She added that it is very important for future generations to concentrate on science and technology.
Delivering the keynote address, Dr. Grihadurai mentioned that space technologies are developed by space science and aero science and that space is the final frontier. He said that space has always been
fascinating to man. He said in his 35 years of service at ISRO he supported many launches in different capacities at ISRO. He said that every flight is a lesson. He pointed out how a variety of satellites
are required for mankind and ISRO has been behind many successful launches. Highlighting some key achievements of ISRO he said that the organization has added that till now launched 125 spacecraft
missions, 2 reentry missions, 15 student satellites and 434 satellites from 34 countries.
Delivering the Inaugural Address Mr. Athappa Manickam mentioned that he was very glad to see so many young faces, as he saw the future of India in them. He said that we have to work hard and leave a better India to our children. In terms of digital technology, he has witnessed a sea change. In 1986 America used to hire talents from India. Now we have developed a lot. He added that shortly there will be 100% Indian companies and youth like the students present there, are going to manage those companies.
Release of WSW 2023 Brochures followed after the inaugural address of the Chief Guest. Later dignitaries were honoured with memento and shawl by the College and the ISRO team. A variety of rocket models were on display at the event. School students from several parts of the city got to learn about the workings of rockets through these models. There are also debate and rocket model competitions, as part of the event.
Mr. Saravanamoorthy proposed the vote of thanks
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Senthilkumar Rajappan is the Founder Blogger of, He is a digital marketing strategist , a start up mentor and loves speaking on entrepreneurship. Loves blogging on auto, tech and books. Also has a personal website