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70 children with the inflammatory syndrome were treated successfully in Coimbatore Medical College Hospital

70 children with the inflammatory syndrome were treated successfully in Coimbatore Medical College Hospital


More than 70 children suffering from multisystem inflammatory syndrome (MIS-C) have been successfully treated at the Coimbatore Government Medical College Hospital (CMCH) in the past two years. 

MIS-C is a syndrome in which organs and tissues become severely inflamed. It is linked with Covid-19 as many children who were reported with the syndrome were themselves infected or had a family history of Covid infection.

Paediatrics department head Dr V Booma said two-third of the total cases were witnessed this year after the second wave. There are a few cases under treatment till last week but there are no MISC cases as of date.

Since CMCH is a referral hospital, patients came from neighbouring districts also. Patients are treated with multimonitor ventilator bedside echocardiogram X-ray, Intravenous Immunoglobulin Therapy (IVIg) and Methylprednisolone. The treatment of MIS-C cases was footed under the chief minister’s comprehensive health scheme.

CMCH dean A Nirmala said the syndrome affects vital organs therefore early intervention is key for treatment and she asked parents to check for symptoms like high fever, rashes in the body and weakness among children The child care special unit has been instrumental in treating children with MIS-C, she said.

MIS-C is a rare complication of COVID-19, but it can be dangerous. The symptoms can overlap with infections and other illnesses. Kids showing symptoms should be seen by a doctor.

Call your family doctor or paediatrician right away if your child experiences a persistent fever of 100.4 or more lasting more than three or four days, or if your child has a fever and any of these symptoms:

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Feeling unusually weak or dizzy, Red eyes, Rash (red spots, blotches or bumps),
Significant or worsening abdominal pain, diarrhoea or vomiting, Acting unusually sleepy or confused. Even though researchers still learning more about this condition, here’s what doctors and scientists know so far.


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