A banner was put up at the Pollachi sub-collector’s office condemning the Tenkasi district collector
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A placard banner has been put up on behalf of the Tamil Nadu Revenue Officers’ Association at the Pollachi sub-collector’s office condemning Tenkasi District Collector Gopalasundaraja.
This includes insulting not only the Tenkasi District Collector Revenue Department officials but all departmental officials with derogatory words, harassing government officials by using vulgar language in the name of Google Meat, refusing to meet public freedom fighters, senior government officials, representatives of agricultural unions and receiving petitions.
It has been said that the Tamil Nadu government should take appropriate action against Collector Gopala Sundarraj for refusing to meet union executives and treating government employees like slaves. Thus the excitement prevailed.
Logeshwaran J
Read, The room where the electronic voting machines was sealed on ycourcoimbatore.com
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