A crore of money that suddenly came into the account; what was thought to be a blessing is a curse
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On the account of someone living in the UK, there is no limit to the joy achieved when a sum of over a crore suddenly arrives. This happiness was doubled when the bank told him that this money was the money he had inherited. The man subsequently bought a luxury home.
About 1,10,000 Euros (Rs 1.09 crore) has been deposited in the account of Russell Alexander, who lives in Norfolk, England, according to ‘Mail Online. When Russell checked his account, he was shocked at first. However, the bank said the money was his and could be used.
Russell was overjoyed to hear this. He bought a luxury house, but now the story has completely changed. Russell, who has been a customer of the same bank for the past 40 years, is in dire straits due to a bank error. Having bought a luxury house with his money in mind, the bank is now demanding a refund with interest.
The bank also said ‘sorry’ and asked the bank to return the money with interest so the person did not understand what to do.
Logeshwaran J
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