Coimbatore city iconic buildings glowed with green lights to create awareness on Cervical Cancer
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On behalf of Cervical Cancer Elimination Day and To create awareness on cervical cancer, Coimbatore Cancer Foundation and PSG Hospitals in association with Rotary Club made the iconic buildings in Coimbatore like PSG college of arts and science, PSG college of technology, Brookefields mall gleamed with green lights on Wednesday. The event aims to make people know all about Cervical Cancer.
What is cervical cancer?
Cervical cancer is a type of cancer that starts in the cervix. The cervix is a hollow cylinder that connects the lower part of a woman’s uterus to her vagina. Most cervical cancers begin in cells on the surface of the cervix.
Symptoms of cervical cancer:
Many women with cervical cancer don’t realize they have the disease early on, because it usually doesn’t cause symptoms until the late stages. When symptoms do appear, they’re easily mistaken for common conditions like menstrual periods and urinary tract infections (UTIs).
Typical cervical cancer symptoms are:
Unusual bleeding, such as in between periods, after sex, or after menopause,
vaginal discharge that looks or smells different than usual, pain in the pelvis, needing to urinate more often, pain during urination. If you notice any of these symptoms, see your doctor for an exam.
Causes of Cervical cancer:
Most cervical cancer cases are caused by the sexually transmitted human papillomavirus (HPV). This is the same virus that causes genital warts.
Cervical cancer treatment:
Cervical cancer is very treatable if you catch it early. The four main treatments include surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, targeted therapy. Sometimes these treatments are combined to make them more effective.
Cervical cancer test:
A Pap smear is a test doctors use to diagnose cervical cancer. To perform this test, your doctor collects a sample of cells from the surface of your cervix. These cells are then sent to a lab to be tested for precancerous or cancerous changes.
Routine testing is important for improving the outlook of women with cervical cancer. When this cancer is caught early, it’s very treatable. Not only cancer full-body screening once in six months will help diagnose illness and treat earlier.
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