Dak Adalat on Dec 20 in Coimbatore:

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A divisional-level dak Adalat for the Coimbatore division will be conducted at the office of the senior superintendent of the post office on Good Shed Road in the city on December 20.
People who have grievances related to money orders, speed posts, registered posts and insured posts can raise their issues and get them solved.
Dak adults are conducted once in three months to address the grievances of postal department customers.
A regional-level dak Adalat for the Coimbatore region has also been scheduled on December 23 at the office of the postmaster general, western region, at Head Post Office in RS Puram.
Postal Services form an integral part of the socio-economic life of the country, touching the lives of virtually every citizen While the Department of Posts strives its best to render the service to the fullest satisfaction of its customers. However, communication gaps and service faults do occasionally happen, resulting in grievances and complaints.
To redress the grievances effectively, the Department periodically organizes Dak Adalat where functionaries of the Department meet the aggrieved customers, gather details about their complaints and try to settle them at the earliest.
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