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Dr. NGP iTech organises Tamil Nadu Women Conclave

Dr. NGP iTech organises Tamil Nadu Women Conclave

Dr. N.G.P. Institute of Technology, Coimbatore (An Autonomous Institution) organized Tamil Nadu Women Conclave on 28.10.2023 in association with The Brand Republic. Tamil Nadu Women Conclave is an opportune event that focuses on addressing the opportunities for women. This conclave brings together professionals, achievers, scholars, activists, policy makers and many more to discuss and find effective solutions to befit the stringent competition.

Dr. R. Karthikeyan, HOD/AI&DS welcomed the gathering. Dr. Thavamani D Palaniswami, Secretary gave the presidential address and highlighted the importance of this women conclave. Dr. S. U. Prabha, Principal of NGP iTECH delivered the Felicitation Address. Ms. Priya Govindan, Co-Founder, The Brand Republic highlighted the conclave importance.

The Chief Guest, Ms. Bhuvaneswari Subramani, Chief Cloud Evangelist, Intuitive.Cloud addressed the participants in the aspects of “Opportunities for Women in Technology” and participants interacted with Chief Guest by raising more questions.

During the First Session, Ms. R. Subhadra, Founder, PVR Foods, Coimbatore delivered her keynote address on “Opportunities for Women in Entrepreneurship” and participants interacted with the keynote speaker very well by raising their doubts. Ms. P. Thenmozhi, Advocate, Coimbatore, Keynote speaker of the second session addressed the participants on “Opportunities for Women in Legal Services”.

In the Third Session, Ms. P. Shantha Sheela, FaMe TN delivered her keynote address on “Opportunities for Women in Public Services”. Also, other startup founders shared their journey and experience among the participants.

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Prabhu Dhamodharan

Dr. V. Praveena, Dept of CSE proposed the vote of thanks for the gathering. Tamil Nadu Women Conclave 2023 provided a platform for dialogue, knowledge-sharing, and strategizing in creating career and business opportunities for women.

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