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Dr.P.S. Rajan receives Rotary’s Prestigious Award of Vocational Excellence from Rotary Club of Coimbatore Millennium!

Dr.P.S. Rajan receives Rotary’s Prestigious Award of Vocational Excellence from Rotary Club of Coimbatore Millennium!

Award of Vocational Excellence

Rotary Club of Coimbatore Millennium is one among 50 Rotary Clubs in Coimbatore region under Rotary International District 3201. This Club honours outstanding personalities in Coimbatore every four years.

This year the Rotary Coimbatore Millennium selected gastroenterology surgeon Dr.P.S. Rajan for this great award . The sixth consecutive phase of this award was given to Dr. P.S. Rajan on 20th January 2024 held in a grand ceremony at IMA Hall, Brookefield Road, Coimbatore. Chairman of IMA Hospital Board of India Dr. Ravikumar was the chief guest, District Director Of Rotary District 3201 Rtn. Gokulraj was the guest of honour. Assistant Governor Rtn. Sreeramulu, GGR Rtn. Ramesh were the special invitee. President Rtn. Yuvaraj presided over the ceremony.

The vocational Excellence Award read out by Project Chairman Rtn. Hendry Amalaraj and handed over to Dr. P. S. Rajan in the presence of all the dignitaries .

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While addressing about the award Project Chairman Rtn. Hendry Amalaraj told hereafter such type of Award will be given once in two years in the coming years. Secretary Rtn. Sundaramurthy , Rtn. Ramchandar, Rtn. Manoj Kumar, Rtn. Ramanathan, Rtn. Santhanakumar, Rtn. Rajesh and all the past Presidents, Rotarians, Family members of Rotarians, Rotaractors and Rotarians made this ceremony a grand one. The master of the ceremony was beautifully handled by Rtr. Heyranya and Rtr. Vaitheeshwaran from Rotaract Coimbatore Millennium and Rotaract Info College respectively .

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