Engineering Projects In Community Services from SREC
Senthilkumar Rajappan is the Founder Blogger of, He is…
The Department of Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering of Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College has been granted and funded with a sum of $2210 USD (Rs.1,45,241/-) for the fabrication of “Sophisticated Wheel Chair for Intellectually Challenged” from the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) – Headquarters, Newyork under the scheme of EPICS (Engineering Projects In Community Services). The fund which is received and utilized to develop a “Sophisticated Wheel Chair for Intellectually Challenged” where the problem of the physical mobility was identified from the Amrit Centre for Special Needs, Coimbatore. Amrit Centre for Special Needs is an NGO, which was started in 1963 to cater to the needs of differently abled (intellectually with physical challenges) children. The Institution caters to children of all ages from birth to 18 and above with different types of disabilities. The aim of the project is to design an automated Wheel Chair where differently abled people can help themselves to move around without any ones help.
The wheelchair has the features of
i) Conversion of Chair into Bed position
ii) Adjustment of Back Rest and Leg Rest individually.
iii) Semi Automatic Movement using joystick in outdoors, indoors and in hospitals.
iv) Continuous monitoring of the user by the care takers to ensure the safety of the user.
The wheelchair donated to the Amrit Centre for Special Needs, Coimbatore on 16.03.2017. The event was enlightened by Mr.C.V.Ramkumar CE – SNR Sons Charitable Trust, Dr.T.Balaji President-Amrit Centre for Special Needs, Mrs.Gayathri Balaji – Hon Treasurer-Amrit Centre for Special Needs, Dr.N.R.Alamelu – Principal of Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College, Mrs.J.Nalini Jayaprakash, Principal – Amrit Centre for Special Needs, Dr.K.Srinivasan Professor & Head-EIE-SREC, Faculty Members, Parents and Students.
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Senthilkumar Rajappan is the Founder Blogger of, He is a digital marketing strategist , a start up mentor and loves speaking on entrepreneurship. Loves blogging on auto, tech and books. Also has a personal website