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Flight of Fantasy – Underprivileged children’s dreams to fly in a plane comes true.

Flight of Fantasy – Underprivileged children’s dreams to fly in a plane comes true.

Coimbatore North Round Table 20 continued its “FLIGHT OF FANTASY” project for the second year in a row with 17 kids flying from Chennai to Coimbatore and getting back the same day. As the name says the project is to full fill dreams of under privileged children of flying in a Aircraft and spending a day of Fun, luxury and experience joy.

“Flight of Fantasy” – a joint initiative of Coimbatore North Round Table 20 and Coimbatore North Ladies Circle 11 with Madras Anchorage Round Table 100.

The event brought the kids to immense joy with their first flight. The dreams of 15 underprivileged children from SRS SARVODHAYA to travel by air came true on Saturday as they embarked on a journey to our very own Coimbatore from Singara Chennai. “Flight of Fantasy” took off from Chennai on November 05, 2022, at 10:00 AM from Chennai International Airport and reached Coimbatore International Airport at 11:00 Am.

They had a great schedule visiting Gee Dee Museum and a visit to Isha Yoga Center.

See Also

11:00 am :: LANDING at Coimbatore
11:30 am :: Board the bus
12:15 pm :: Geedee Car Museum
1:15   pm :: Lunch @ Residency Hotel
3:00 pm :: Board the bus to Isha Yoga
4:15  pm :: Adhi yogi statue
5:30 pm :: Leave isha
7:00 pm :: Dinner at zone connect near the airport
8:00 pm :: Airport

This is an initiative is planned to bring smiles to the faces of those children who have dreams and we are making it a reality.

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