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G Kishan Reddy, union minister interacts with students at PSG Institute of Management

G Kishan Reddy, union minister interacts with students at PSG Institute of Management

kishan reddy speaks at PSGIM

Shri G. Kishan Reddy, Union Minister of Tourism, Culture & Development of the North East Region of India visited PSG Institute of Management for an interactive session with the students on “India’s Cultural Diversity and Heritage – Role of Next Gen” on 27th June 2023. Mr. A. Namashivayam, Deputy chief minister and Home minister of Pondicherry, Prof P. Kanagasabapathy, State Vice President of Bharatiya Janata Party, Tamil Nadu, and Mrs. Vanathi Srinivasan, MLA from Coimbatore South were the guests of honor for the event.

Dr V Srividya, Director i/c, PSG Institute of Management delivered the welcome address. Shri L. Gopalakrishnan, Managing Trustee, PSG Institutions felicitated all the guests with a memento.

Shri G. Kishan Reddy, Honourable Union Minister spoke on India’s Cultural Diversity and Heritage of India. In his speech, he emphasized that Coimbatore is a land of entrepreneurship and innovation. The city flourished because of the creative spirit of the people. He recalled his childhood days and his struggles during those days in completing his education and he mentioned about electric motor which was used in his village that was manufactured in Coimbatore. He also added that in the history of Coimbatore, there is creativity, innovation, and entrepreneurship. He stressed on “Democracy is about accountability” and also emphasized the adversities faced during the Pandemic.

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He also recalled the Indian-origin political leaders and CEOs in other countries. The growing image and economy of India and its vision to be a developed nation in 2047. He also added that the Government of India is encouraging the Startup India mission for the young entrepreneurs and stressed the development in Jammu and Kashmir stating that in 2022, 1 crore 64 lakh tourists visited the valley. He closed his speech by saying Nation comes first and we should strive for the development of the nation.

Dr. D. Brindha, Principal, PSG College of Arts and Science, Coimbatore proposed the vote of thanks.

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