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Global Azure Bootcamp – India at PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore

Global Azure Bootcamp – India at PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore


TechMeet360, the community initiative by BizTalk360, organized the fifth edition of Global Azure Bootcamp (GAB) event at PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore on April 22, 2017. GAB is a worldwide community event on Microsoft Azure concepts and took place across 250 locations worldwide on the same day.

The event was attended by over 100 attendees and the crowd had a distinct mix of students, faculty from colleges, and industry professionals. The day was packed with session agenda that covered the complete Azure stack, and speakers from Microsoft GTSC, Bengaluru and BizTalk360. Mr. Sriram Hariharan, Assistant Manager – Marketing/Events at BizTalk360 kicked off the event with the welcome speech, followed by the Keynote speech by Mr. Deepak Rajendran – Community Program Manager – India at Microsoft.

The first session by Mr. Vinod Sundarraj from Microsoft introduced the audience to the Cloud Computing concepts and set the platform perfectly for the rest of the sessions in the day. Mr. Vinod showed some basic demos to interest the audience with the concepts. The day progressed with sessions on Azure Logic Apps and Microsoft Flows by Harikharan Krishnaraju and Karan Singh from Microsoft GTSC. They demonstrated the capabilities through an interesting demo of connecting Instagram with Facebook and Twitter. This session demonstrated the power and the ease at which a person can create such an integration with Microsoft Azure. The next session was even an interesting one where Madhura Bharadwaj and Amit Tripathi (from Microsoft) demonstrated the technology of the future – Cognitive Services using which you can integrate vision, speech, language, knowledge, and search APIs into your application.

A big thank you to Microsoft for sponsoring the lunch (Subway meal boxes) for all the attendees at all global GAB locations!


The post lunch sessions kicked off with Mr. Kuppurasu Nagaraj, Technical Coordinator at BizTalk360 talking about Xamarin and how you can integrate the technology with Azure Mobile services. This session was followed by a very exciting session on Azure Service Bus by Sunny Sharma and Arunkumar Kumaresan of BizTalk360 where they demonstrated an E-Commerce portal they built in just couple of hours using Azure Service Bus (and named it Blipkart! J). The last session of the day focussed on Azure API Management by Uma Maheswaran and Vishnu Balachandran of BizTalk360.

Mr. Sriram Hariharan delivered the closing note at GAB and delivered the vote of thanks. BizTalk360 also gave away exciting gifts along with raffle prizes from the sponsors of GAB event & Azure passes worth US$100 and distributed participation certificates to the attendees. BizTalk360 also thanked the management of PSG College of Technology with a memento. Overall, it was an exciting day of learning Azure technologies and the audience had a positive take-back from the event.

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BizTalk360 is a software product company based at Tidel Park Coimbatore Limited, Peelamedu. The company purely works on cutting edge technologies in the Microsoft stack. The company’s products – BizTalk360 and ServiceBus360 are used by the top enterprise brands around the world. BizTalk360 follows the path of Microsoft and strives hard to build the technology committee in Coimbatore and throughout India. The company organizes technical meetups every month and conducts events under the TechMeet360 banner.

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