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Hon’ble Governor of UP, Anandhi Ben Patel to visit Avinashilingam Institute

Hon’ble Governor of UP, Anandhi Ben Patel to visit Avinashilingam Institute

Hon’ble Governor, UP – Visit to Avinashilingam Institute

Hon’ble Governor, UP – Visit to Avinashilingam Institute

National Seminar on “Best Practices of Avinashilingam Institute fostering NAAC Assessment Criteria” is scheduled to be organized by the Internal Quality Assurance Cell of the Institution on September 28th, 2022 at 10.00 am when Smt. Anandiben Patel Ji, Hon’ble Governor of Uttar Pradesh will be the Chief Guest and deliver the Inaugural Address.

Institutional excellence in higher education is the aggregate of the best practices followed in different areas of institutional performance. The National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) is advocating the best practices benchmarking approach for quality enhancement in higher education. The overall purpose and intent of the Best Practices benchmarking are to develop an understanding of the fundamentals that lead to success with a focus on sustained improvement efforts. Moreover, bridging the gap between an existing practice of the institution and that of the best-in-class institutions with reference to the most relevant key performance variables is most important.

In this pursuit, IQAC of Avinashilingam Institute for Home Science and Higher Education for Women has taken an initiative and organized a National Seminar on Best Practices of AVINUTY fostering NAAC Assessment Criteria to sensitize the stakeholders of Higher Educational Institutions to understand the Best practices of AVINUTY in educational excellence.

The focal points of the seminar will include best practices in all seven criteria namely Curricular Aspects, Teaching –Learning and Evaluation, Research, Innovations and Extension, Infrastructure and Learning Resources, Student Support and Progression, Governance, Leadership and Management, and Institutional Values and Best Practices. Technical sessions on each of the best practices of Avinashilingam Institute towards educational excellence will sensitize the stakeholders of Higher Educational Institutions towards fostering NAAC assessment criteria and thereby achieve distinctive accomplishments in education.

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Hon’ble Governor, UP – Visit to Avinashilingam Institute

The programme will take place in the presence of the Managing Trustee Dr. T.S.K. Meenakshisundaram, Chancellor Prof. S. P. Thyagarajan, and Vice Chancellor Dr. V. Bharathi Harishankar who will also give the Keynote and Special address respectively. Former Chancellor Dr.S.Kulandaivel, Registrar Dr. S. Kowsalya, Deans of various Schools, Trust members, and Members of the Board of Management will also be present.

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