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ICC3 Webinar held in PSG college of technology, Coimbatore

ICC3 Webinar held in PSG college of technology, Coimbatore

ICC3 Webinar held in PSG college of technology, Coimbatore

The Department of Applied Mathematics and Computational Sciences, PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore is organizing the 5th International Conference on Computational Intelligence, Cyber Security and Computational Models (ICC3) during 16-18 December 2021, through virtual mode under the theme “Recent Trends in Computational Models, Intelligence and Security Systems”.

The conference is sponsored by DRDO and Robert Bosch. The ICC3 conference has been a biennial conference since 2013 providing a premier interdisciplinary forum for researchers, practitioners and educators to present and discuss the most recent innovations, trends and concerns in its three-track areas.

The conference aims to promote high-quality core and interdisciplinary research that encompasses theory and applications to provide design, analysis and modelling.

As a curtain-raiser to the ICC3-2021, a pre-conference workshop was organized in virtual mode during 13-14 December 2021 on “Cyber-Physical Systems” encompassing IoT, SmartGrids, Robotics and Autonomous Systems.

The workshop/conference features keynote talks by 18 eminent international academicians and 5 Indians. The keynote speakers span across the globe: 8 from Europe, 7 from Asia, 6 from the USA and one each from Africa and Australia. There were 84 paper submissions, out of which 14 papers will be presented and published in the prestigious CCIS series of Springer.

The conference of such kind will surely serve as a development programme for all faculty and researchers who aspire to pursue research and widen their research frontiers. The presentations from keynote speakers will kindle interest in the students of the department to undertake internships in foreign institutions.

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R S lal mohan


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