JSB’s CSR Club conducts Social Outreach Program with Kalvi 40

Senthilkumar Rajappan is the Founder Blogger of YourCoimbatore.com, He is…
As a part of activating the Memorandum of Understanding between Jansons School of Business and BumbleB Trust, on 10.10.2023, our students from CSR club have visited four different schools Panchayat Union Primary School (PUMS), MGPudur, Panchayat Union Primary School (PUMS), Thottipalayam, Panchayat Union Primary School, Vagarayampalayam and Panchayat Union Primary School, Elachipalayam.
In all these four schools, our students voluntarily took part in Kalvi 40(Bumble B Trust) and installed smart TV and Kalvi 40 application for using e-content. With the hope of creating more engaging digital content for kids’ learning, our students are excited to continue engaging in Kalvi 40 in many more schools.
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Senthilkumar Rajappan is the Founder Blogger of YourCoimbatore.com, He is a digital marketing strategist , a start up mentor and loves speaking on entrepreneurship. Loves blogging on auto, tech and books. Also has a personal website www.rsenthilkumar.com