Kumaraguru hosts Panel discussion on Future of government – Reimagining Governance
Senthilkumar Rajappan is the Founder Blogger of YourCoimbatore.com, He is…
Kumaraguru Institutions played host to the Y 20 brain storming session organised by Young Indians (Yi) Coimbatore chapter on Thursday. Every year, the youth entrepreneur summit is held on the side-lines of G 20 summit,
Yi is a consultative forum under the G 20 framework for the global youth. Across India, through various chapters of the Yi, brain storming sessions are being conducted and ideas are discussed to bring out solutions for many existing problems.
It is an opportunity for youth to interact with government officials and the outcome of the event is documents and submitted to the Ministry of Youth Affairs. The sessions were held on the themes: future of government – reimagining governance and Future of entrepreneurship.
Coimbatore City Police Commissioner V Balakrishnan, District Collector Kranti Kumar Pati and Corporation Commissioner M Prathap were part of the panel discission on Future of government – Reimagining Governance.
Speaking at the panel discussion, Collector said that Coimbatore will develop into a IT technology hub. “The city has a couple of IT parks and Coimbatore Tech city project was announced recently by the government. College students should prepare themselves for such opportunities.
He said, Coimbatore is a city of entrepreneurs and innovators. Tamil Nadu government has introduced New Entrepreneur cum Enterprise Development Scheme (NEEDS). Under this scheme, projects with innovative ideas are funded up to Rs 5 Crore with 25 percent subsidy. We want proposals to come from colleges like Kumaraguru with some cutting-edge technologies and also addressing the problems of the city.
We have problems in solid waste management and we want people to think over it and develop some technologies so that civic body can give them long term business and government scheme can fund their projects.
Speaking on how technology has disrupted operations in various government departments, City Police Commissioner V Balakrishnan said that artificial intelligence and drone technology offer plenty of opportunities but challenges of security have gone up due to technology. It has been doing good too, says the commissioner adding that his office has started using Chat GPT for office work like for instance drafting a letter. AI enabled CCTV cameras send out alerts over unusual activities.
Influence of social media on children is also very high and causing major challenges. Technology is inevitable especially the artificial intelligence to the extent that the human race is finding it difficult to cope up. But we need to equip ourselves to tackle it. The cybercrimes have also shot up significantly unlike the conventional crimes like theft and burglary. “Each day we get over 50 cybercrime complaints which is very high in terms of statistics,” he said.
Collector said, governance has entered into a scientific model now which is improving the day-to-day services to the people. Benefits are given to people through revolutionary technologies. Efficiency of welfare functions have improved.
Technology has been playing a major role in cutting down corruption. He said that technology was helpful in defining rules and a definite trail to deliver a service in the government departments. This has ensured that everything is monitored in a dash board.
“Accountability is increasing to significant extent as we are moving into real time data. If it is not real time data, it cannot be reviewed. All land records are digitised. In many departments, single window clearance is introduced which has increased efficiency,” he said.
The corporation commissioner M Prathap said that the technology is hugely helping in terms of streamlining the garbage collection. The civic body has geotagged the vehicles going for garbage collection across households. It helps in tracking. In the property tax collection too, drone-based survey is helping in streamlining the property tax collection by verifying the property tax records.
Asked on a new model of emerging participatory governance could be witnessed with the advent of technology, the corporation commissioner said “getting public opinion helps in incorporating projects as the decision is taken based on popular opinion. We do get out of the box opinions and ideas which help improve the system”.
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Senthilkumar Rajappan is the Founder Blogger of YourCoimbatore.com, He is a digital marketing strategist , a start up mentor and loves speaking on entrepreneurship. Loves blogging on auto, tech and books. Also has a personal website www.rsenthilkumar.com