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Shiva Triology – Coaxed with modern myth and retaining the beliefs of World – Amish Tripathi

Shiva Triology – Coaxed with modern myth and retaining the beliefs of World – Amish Tripathi

The world is filled with a force that unknowingly turns human beings to expose feelings and expression. It changes the people to devote to something and changes against to the devotion.


Here comes a man with a wide range of devotion, has the ability to change older myth belief to newer way to attract the scientific people around every corner in the world. His name is well known as Amish Tripathi and his famous first myth stories Shiva Trilogy.

As a modern reader, attached to his words, and turned to a myth person. His magic fiction made to get the experience of Lord Shiva and his strength interior and exterior. Lord Shiva, Amish depicts totally different from the older myth.

His innovation and imaginary thought process attracted modern readers. His Shiva Trilogy is made of three continuous series of books which has more than 1000 words.

Amish attempted strong titles for those three books; he named them The Immortal of Meluha, The Secret of Nagas, and The Oath of Vayuputras. His excellence to attract readers by his ultimate thinking of the books front covers designs.

A pictorial representation of the first book of Shiva Trilogy, The Immortal of Meluha portrays Lord Shiva and his muscled body by not revealing his face. This cover design gives eagerness to get along inside.

The Second Book of Shiva Trilogy, The Secret of Nagas shows Lord Shiva holds the venomous snake without revealing his face. The final series of the book of Shiva Trilogy, The Oath of Vayuputras represents Lord Shiva holding his bow and arrow as same not revealing his face.

One common thing in each book is that Lord Shiva is shown as Lord Neelkanth whose tongue turned blue and looks magnificent. Reading about Lord Shiva gives an enthusiastic and pleasant one. You can buy three books at a low price now.

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In one of the books in the Shiva Trilogy, the Amish have proven that Lord Shiva is normal human and doesn’t accept that Lord Shiva is God. He says, “All are Mahadev!!!” Proving that in the Universe everyone is Mahadev’s and everyone serves humanity like Lord Shiva with devotion.

Dhivyadharshini. R


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