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Maha Bali makes a grand entrance in a helicopter at AJK Institutions

Maha Bali makes a grand entrance in a helicopter at AJK Institutions


The Onam fervour was in for heights literally at AJK Institutions, Navakkarai where King Maha Bali made a grand entry in a Helicopter to see his people. Titled Onam Koothu, the campus wore a festive look with lot of music, pookalams and dancers of Mohini Attam and display of Kalaripayutu the folk martial art form of Kerala,

As the celebrations reached a crecendo, it was the time for the King Maha Bali to visit his ward at the campus and he did it in style probably for the the first time ever he took to a Helicopter to arrive at the campus grounds to be welcomed by the students and management and the Mohini attam dancers to the music that held sway.


It was great photo opportunity for the students to pose with the legendary Maha Bali adjacent a copter. The departments had also individually displayed a lot of melam and dance with music accompanying making the campus a vibrant celebration of the Onam Celebration that truly echoed in Kerala style.

One of the students with roots in Kerala said they felt at home with the kind of celebrations that they were having for the past three days with competitions on Onam, etc.


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The Pookalam was a sight to behold with the Mohini Attam dancers and students making it a wonderful picture for posterity.

Then there was the Ona Sadhya for everyone,  a full leaf mouth watering delicacy assortment of the much celebrated items of Kerala menu with adaprathaman and payasam to top it all.

Dr. Ajeet Kumar Lal Mohan, the Secretary of the institutions along with the faculty participated during the event.

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