Mother Teresa: The peaceful lady was awarded NOBEL PEACE prize; 41 years ago

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Mother Teresa – She had only one aim in life, to serve the poor, the destitute, the needy, and all those who were dejected by society.
No prize in the universe can honor her enough, the ‘Blessed Teresa of Kolkata’ received the Nobel peace prize in 1979 for her relentless services to make the world a better place to live in.
Born as Agnes Gonxha Bojashiu into an Albanian family in Macedonia, Mother Teresa, left her home at 18 to never meet her family again. Joining the Sisters of Loreto in Ireland, Teresa got herself transferred to the same convent in Kolkata, India.
Path to Glory
Initially started teaching, Mother Teresa who was deeply agonized to see the poor people suffer, went on to live with them in the slums of Kolkata. In 1950, she founded the Missionaries of Charity, which served the people shunned by everyone and have become a burden to the society.
She relentlessly served the poorest of the poor. The Norwegian Nobel Committee awarded her the Nobel peace prize for the work she undertook to overcome poverty and distress, which posed a threat to peace. Her constructive efforts ensured mankind a better and safer world to live in.
The white, blue-rimmed cotton sari-clad Saint Teresa of Kolkata, refused the Nobel honor banquet and requested the 1,92,000 USD prize money to be used to help the poor in India.
Indhumathi. N
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