Mr. N Ram launches A Life of Impact a book on Kasthuri Sreenivasan

Senthilkumar Rajappan is the Founder Blogger of, He is…
Mr. N. Ram, Chairman, The Hindu Group of Publications was the Chief Guest and launched the Biography – Life of Impact, Kasthuri Sreenivasan, authored by Mrs. Shobana Kumar at the Centennial celebrations of Kasthuri Sreenivasan here in Coimbatore.
Mr. N Ram in his Centennial address, recalled his meeting with Kasthuri Sreenivasan once and he said the book is a success in the aspect that it brings him alive. He commended the team behind the book and noted that the book is well researched and written and the graphics adds to the work.
He quoted some excerpts from the book and the inspiration of Kasthuri Sreenivasan, from Bertrand Russel. It’s a fiiting tribute to a man who rose above the circumstances. He also recalled his contribution in research even in those times. It has made a profound difference to the industry not only in this region but all over the country and abroad.
Textile industry is very important for India since it employees most people next only to agriculture.
He compared the legacy of Sreenivasan with that of Steve Jobs of Apple who also appreciated liberal arts and married it to the humanities in his quest to change the way we live.
He paid rich tributes to Kasthuri Sreenivasan in his address. He also spoke about scientific temper – questioning, observing physical reality and our first prime minister spoke about it, today that the idea that argumentative india idea is attacked, attacks on freedom of speech and this is going back in time and wonder how Kasthuri Sreenivasan would have reacted to this kind of regression.
Its not easy to convert a personal setback to public good and that’s exactly what Kasthuri Sreenivasan has done and impacted many a generation even after his life on earth.
Dr. B.K. Krishnaraj Vanavarayar, Chairman, Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Coimbatore Kendra and the Guest of Honour in his special address complimented the efforts of the trustee for having successfully conducting the centennial celebration. He also commended the author for having chosen the title and the work by the author. The title is provoking and it’s a bit philosophical in a way.
He said some people refuse to surrender to the will of destiny. And Coimbatore has many such people. One such luminary is Kasthuri Sreenivasan.
Mahatma Gandhi and EV Ramasamy Periyar, were the two divergent people who influenced Kasthuri Sreenivasan. He quoted from the book, about taking prasadam from people, when given prasadam he says he received them without conviction but with gratefulness.
This biography is a classic case of how a single individual can be an agent of change regardless of the circumstances.
He recalled the editorial of The Hindu when Mahatma was killed as titled When another Mahatma? And he said its time to ask when another Kasthuri Sreenivasan.
Author Shobana Kumar in her speech said she had worked over two years, and numerous sittings and getting to know the person and his life and accomplishments and how he broke barriers, and getting to the title because that was what he did.
Mrs. D Veena Kumari, IPoS, Post Master General, Central Region (TN), released the Special Cover on this occasion.
Dr. T Balaji, Managing Trustee of Coimbatore Cancer Foundation felicitated on this occasion. Mr. Sanjay Jayavarthanavelu, CMD, Lakshmi Machine Works, and Vice Chairman – Council of Administration, SITRA offered felicitations.
Earlier, Mr. Sarath Chandran, Managing Trustee, Kasthuri Sreenivasan Trust welcomed the gathering, gave an inspirational introduction to the dignitaries in his address.
Mr. D. Krishnamurthy, Trustee, Kasthuri Sreenivasan Trust, proposed the vote of thanks.
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Senthilkumar Rajappan is the Founder Blogger of, He is a digital marketing strategist , a start up mentor and loves speaking on entrepreneurship. Loves blogging on auto, tech and books. Also has a personal website