Nurturing Gardening Skills for Capacity Building
by Senthilkumar
11th August 2017

Senthilkumar Rajappan is the Founder Blogger of, He is…

The Inaugural function for a three day Hybrid Model Training for the trainers on Skilling of Gardener was held at Horticultural College and Research Institute, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University (TNAU), Coimbatore on 08.08.2017 joining hands in glove with State Department of Horticulture (TANHODA) and ASCI (Agricultural Skill Council of India). The training is to impart skills to the eleven young Horticulture scientists representing various Colleges / Research Stations / Krishi Vigyan Kendras of TNAU, to gain domain and platform skills and to become qualified for Gardening Trainer. This is a maiden attempt to nurture skill component shaping with India to realize the Skill India Dream Come True.
The initiative is to transform the lower echelon to acquaint with the Gardening skills and to build the capacity for empowerment. The resource persons of ASCI are imparting skills so as to propagate for a good lot of 664 persons with the support of Government of India under MIDH – Natural Horticulture Mission.
Dr. H. Philip, Director of Extension Education, TNAU, Coimbatore in his special address exhorted trainers to put forth their concentration and commitment in any field would improve their skills. He insisted the trainers to dedicate themselves for bringing proficiency in Gardening activity.
Dr. M. Jawaharlal, Dean (Hort.) in his presidential note, underscored the gardening skills and its significance and the way it soothens the mind and spirit of the individual to relieve from stress and there is an urgent need to learn newer skills for empowerment and subsequent employment.
Dr. K. Ravikumar, Advisor (ASCI), Bengaluru in his introductory note specified the skill sets and the way its nurture excellence among individual as India is abysmally low in skills component, compared to United States of America and other Korean countries, where skills are high with a range of 66 – 89%.
Earlier, Dr. J. Venkata Pirabu, Professor and Head, Training Division, Directorate of Extension Education, TNAU, Coimbatore welcomed the gathering. He emphasized the importance of skill for the blue collar group which enhance the capacity and to become eligible for self employment.
Dr. M. Kannan, Professor and Head, Department of Floriculture and Landscaping, TNAU, Coimbatore underscored the need for such a kind of training to become master trainers with utmost confidence and proposed a formal vote of thanks.
Th. Suresh Kumar, Horticulture Officer, TANHODA, Chennai assisted in the organization of the training programme.
Earlier, Dr. J. Venkata Pirabu, Professor and Head, Training Division, Directorate of Extension Education, TNAU, Coimbatore welcomed the gathering. He emphasized the importance of skill for the blue collar group which enhance the capacity and to become eligible for self employment.
Dr. M. Kannan, Professor and Head, Department of Floriculture and Landscaping, TNAU, Coimbatore underscored the need for such a kind of training to become master trainers with utmost confidence and proposed a formal vote of thanks.
Th. Suresh Kumar, Horticulture Officer, TANHODA, Chennai assisted in the organization of the training programme.
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Senthilkumar Rajappan is the Founder Blogger of, He is a digital marketing strategist , a start up mentor and loves speaking on entrepreneurship. Loves blogging on auto, tech and books. Also has a personal website