Oldest Pending Case: Do you know a case pending for 221 years in India?

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Case No. AST / 1/1800 in Calcutta High Court is the oldest case pending in the country. The 221-year-old case was filed in court under 1800. The last hearing of the case was held on November 20, 2018, in the Calcutta High Court. Its files have been pending in the lower courts for almost 170 years, after which it was filed in the Calcutta High Court on 1 January 1970. But even in the High Court, the case has been pending for the past 51 years.
Not only the Calcutta High Court, but most of the courts across the country are in poor condition. About 56 lakh cases are pending in 24 high courts in the country. Of these, 59595 cases have been pending for 30 years. The Allahabad High Court, the largest court in the country, has 42764 cases that are more than 30 years old.
According to the National Judicial Data Grid (NZG), there are 89,000 pending cases in more than 30 years in about 17,000 districts and sub-courts across the country. The total number of pending cases is 3.6 crore. If these cases are resolved at the current pace, it will take 324 years to complete, according to a government survey.
Logeshwaran J
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