Pest and Disease Forecast for the Month of July 2017

Senthilkumar Rajappan is the Founder Blogger of, He is…

The following recommendations were made for the benefit of rice farmers in Cauvery delta zone and other rice growing areas in the state.
Sporadic incidence of leaf folder and stemborer were noticed in Tirunelveli, Dharmapuri, Dindigal, Pudukkottai, Thanjavur, Tiruvallur, Erode, Cuddalore, Trichy and Salem districts. To manage these pests, set up light trap @ 1 / acre to attract and to kill the adult moth. If needed, spray neem seed kernel extract (NSKE) 5%.
Monitor mealybug and thrips incidence in transplanted rice. Due to water scarcity the incidence may increase and spread to neighbouring fields. Hence, farmers are adviced to spray buprofezin (25 SC) @200 ml/ 200 lit of water for 1 acre or thiamethoxam (20 WDG) @100 g/200 lit of water for 1 acre or dimethoate (30 EC) 400 ml / 200 lit. of water.
In coastal areas of Tamil Nadu because of cloudy weather the farmers are advised to take up spraying of copper hydroxide 2.5 g / l of water for management of bacterial leaf blight of rice.
Virudhachalam area, farmers are advised to set up light traps to monitor red hairy carterpillar. If needed, spray any one of the insecticides dichlorvos 70 WSC 250 ml / ac (or) phosalone 35 EC 750 ml / ha.
The groundnut farmers of Salem and Dharmapuri districts are advised to spray carbendazim 0.1% for management of tikka leaf spot of groundnut.
In some places of Salem, Thanjavur, Thiruvarur and Nagapattinam districts, whitefly incidence is noticed. Collection and removal of whitefly infested leaves which were shed due to the attack of the pest and destroying them.
For whitefly management spraying any one of the following insecticides
- Removal and destruction of alternate weed hosts like Abutilon indicum and Solanum nigrum.
- Setup yellow stickly trap 12 Nos/acre for monitoring purpose.
Spray any one of the following
- Acetamiprid 20 SP 100 g/ha
- Triazophos 3 ml/ 1 liter of water.
- Imidachloprid 6 ml/10 liter of water.
Management of Thrips
- Spray Neem seed kernel extract 5%.
- Spray any one of the following insecticide is recommended – imidacloprid 17.8 SL @ 100 ml/ha or thiamethoxam 25 WG @ 100gm/ha or buprofezin 25 SC @ 1 lit./ha or profenophos @ 1 lit./ha or fipronil 5 SC @ 1.5 lit./ha
Cassava mosaic disease
Integrated pest management practices for the control of white fly (vector):
- Removal of alternate weed hosts viz., Abutilon indicum.
- Installation of yellow sticky traps at 12 Nos/ha.
- Judicious application of nitrogenous fertilizers.
- Avoid excessive irrigation.
- Spray neem oil 3 % or fish oil rosin soap 25 g/l or methyl demeton 25 EC 2 ml/l. While using neem oil, teepol or sandovit should be added at 1 ml/l for better contact with foliage.
- Application of methyl demeton @ 2 ml/l. in the early stage and phosalone in the later stages of crop growth.
- Avoid use of synthetic pyrethroids.
- Avoid extending the crop growth beyond its duration.
Farmers of Coimbatore and Tiruppur districts are advised to spray metalaxyl + mancozeb 2.5g / l of water against downy mildew as the weather conditions are conducive for the onset of the diseases due to monsoon rains.
In some places of Salem district, mealybug incidence is noticed. Spraying any one of the following insecticides is recommended dimethoate 30 EC 500 ml/ha or methyl demeton 25 EC 500 ml/ha.
Sucking pest management in Agricultural and Horticultural crops
If dry weather continuous, there is a possibility for multiplication of jassids, thrips, whitefly, spiraling whitefly and different species of mealybug including papaya mealybug.
Hence, farmers are advised to monitor the sucking pests by installing yellow sticky traps @ 5 / acre and if needed, they can spray neem seed kernel extract 5% (or) fish oil rosin soap @ 1 kg in 40 lit of water.
This is for the favour of your kind information. Necessary control measures may please be adopted.
Further contact:
- The Director,
Centre for Plant Protection Studies,
TNAU, Coimbatore 641 003.
Phone No: 0422-6611237.
- The Professor and Head,
Department of Agrl. Entomology,
TNAU, Coimbatore 641 003.
Phone No: 0422-6611214 / 6611414.
- The Professor and Head,
Department of Plant Pathology,
TNAU, Coimbatore 641 003.
Phone No: 0422-6611226.
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Senthilkumar Rajappan is the Founder Blogger of, He is a digital marketing strategist , a start up mentor and loves speaking on entrepreneurship. Loves blogging on auto, tech and books. Also has a personal website