PSG College of Nursing celebrated the National Newborn Week 2022
Senthilkumar Rajappan is the Founder Blogger of, He is…
Every year from 15th to 21st November, the country observes Newborn Week. The aim for celebrating the week is to raise awareness about the importance of the newborn care for child survival and development. Labour, birth and the immediate postnatal period are the most crucial time for newborn and maternal survival. 75% of newborn deaths can be prevented with effective health measures provided at birth and during the first week of life. To reinforce the importance of newborn health, as a key priority area of the health sector and to reiterate the commitment at the highest level, the week is celebrated. The Theme of 2022 is “Home Care of Newborn in Urban Area”.
Under the stewardship of Dr. A. Jayasudha, Principal, PSG College of Nursing, the Department of Pediatric Nursing celebrated “National Newborn Week 2022” by conducting various programmes regarding newborn care based on the theme.
Day 1: The programme was started with the celebration of children’s day. Games were conducted for children in various age groups at Pediatric wards, PSG Hospital. 30 children participated and enjoyed. The parents of the children were also present. The chief guest Dr. T.M.Subbarao, Principal, PSG IMSR gave a short speech on the occasion. Magic Show was conducted. The magician invited the children to participate while displaying magical tricks. Followed by Health talk on Child care was given by Dr. Thirumal., Gastroenterologist. Prizes were distributed to the children.
Day 2: World Pneumonia day with the theme “Championing the fight against Pneumonia” was observed on 15.11.22 at Pediatric OPD. Various Posters were displayed to create awareness on causes, signs and symptoms and management of pneumonia. Around 150 public were benefitted and expressed that the education was very informative.
Day 3: To sensitize general public about the importance of Immunization, a public awareness rally on immunization with the theme “Long life for all” was conducted on 16.11.22. The rally was flagged off at PSG Rural Health Center in Vedapatti, around 5 km area was by Department of Pediatric Nursing Faculty, Nursing Students (UG&PG) and Pediatricians participated by carrying banners and placards with messages regarding benefits of immunization.
Day: 4 : Premature day was observed with the theme “Powerful Therapy: Skin to Skin Contact from Birth” on 17.11.22. The day was perceived through education on homecare management of preterm baby to preterm parents. Kangaroo mother care was demonstrated and explained by PG students. Mothers clarified doubts and shared their views.
Day: 5 The “Newborn Care Expo” was organized at the B-block entrance on 18.11.22. Various aspects of Newborn care- stations as per Essential newborn care (ENBC) were arranged, including: 1.Thermoregulation 2.Breast feeding and Mom’s magic—Breast Milk Bank), 3. Immunization 4. Infection Prevention 5.Nurturing care 6.Self evaluation and signature campaign.
A pamphlet titled “Home Care Newborns” was distributed to the public.
The Expo was inaugurated at 10:30 a.m. Our respected Principal, Dr. A. Jayasudha, Dr.J.S Bhubaneswaren, MD, PSG Super Speciality Hospital; Dr. P.R.Rajkumar, MD, PSG Hospitals; Dr.A Jayavarthana, HOD, Dept. of Pediatrics; Dr.S Ramesh, HOD, NICU; Dr.N.T Rajesh, HOD, PICU; other Pediatricians and our faculty were present. The Expo was conducted from 10:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Around 450 members of the public benefitted. They clarified their doubts and showed enthusiasm. IP patients and their attendees also visited the expo and benefitted. All the parents and relatives gave feedback that they had learned and gained new knowledge regarding the care of newborns. They added that the exhibition was useful, interest and creative; it created a remarkable impact among them and expressed their desire to conduct many such programmes in future.
Day :6 A quiz competition for mothers of newborn to assess their knowledge about the care of newborns has organized on 21.11.22. It was a very informative and knowledge-enriching competition for the participants. The programme was conducted in five rounds of questions and answers and at the end of the contest, winners were awarded as 1st, 2nd and 3rd place.
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Senthilkumar Rajappan is the Founder Blogger of, He is a digital marketing strategist , a start up mentor and loves speaking on entrepreneurship. Loves blogging on auto, tech and books. Also has a personal website