PSG College of Nursing – Lamp Lighting Ceremony of 30th batch held

Senthilkumar Rajappan is the Founder Blogger of, He is…
The Lamp Lighting Ceremony for the 30th Batch of B.Sc Nursing students of PSG College of Nursing was held on 12th January 2024 at PSG IMS&R Auditorium. This is a symbolic moment that signifies kindness, compassion and promise to provide a competent care for the sick and needy. On this auspicious occasion Novice Nightingales adorned in their uniforms for the first time, formally mark their entry into the Nursing Profession.
Prof.Sofiya Princess Hema, HOD, Fundamentals of Nursing Department welcomed the dignitaries and gathering. The Chief Guest Prof. Dr.Lizzie Raveendran, Principal, Gem Institute of Nursing Education and Research, Guest of Honour Prof. Dr. Severine Vuilleumier, Nursing School of La Source, University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Switzerland, Dr. A. Jayasudha, Principal, Prof. Meera Saravanan, Vice Principal and Prof. Sofiya Princess Hema, HOD, Fundamentals of Nursing Department, PSG College of Nursing lit the Lamp and passed over to Faculty, Deputy Nursing Superintendent and Assistant Nursing Superintendents, PSG Hospitals who passed it to 100 students of I year B.Sc Nursing.Followed by, Prof Dr.A.Jayasudha, Principal, PSG College of Nursing lead the students in taking Nurses Pledge.
The Chief Guest Prof. Dr.Lizzie Raveendran, Principal, Gem Institute of Nursing Education and Research Coimbatore applauded the students for choosing the nursing profession and emphasized the importance of commitment in the profession. She touched upon the responsibilities of dedicated nurses during student life and when working in a hospital. She also mentioned the demand of Nurses to face Global Health Issues. Finally she congratulated the blooming nurses and their parents for choosing the right profession in the most Pioneer Institution which will mould them to become highly skilled Nurses and Future Nurse Leaders.
Prof. Dr. Severine Vuilleumier, Nursing School of La Source, University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Switzerland notified the dignified work of Florence Nightingale “Founder of Modern Nursing”. She highlighted the unique ability of nurses to recognize and understand patients’ pain. She motivated the students to be Honest, Confident, Optimistic and exhibit tender loving care. She insisted that the students need to stay abreast of the latest advances in healthcare, focus on soft skills and professional touch.
Prof.Meera Saravanan, Vice Principal, PSG College of Nursing proposed vote of thanks and the event came to an end with the National Anthem.
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Senthilkumar Rajappan is the Founder Blogger of, He is a digital marketing strategist , a start up mentor and loves speaking on entrepreneurship. Loves blogging on auto, tech and books. Also has a personal website