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PSG IMSR conducts a workshop on ‘Neuromodulation in Psychiatry’

PSG IMSR conducts a workshop on ‘Neuromodulation in Psychiatry’

The Psychiatry department of PSG Institute of Medical Sciences & Research (PSGIMSR) and PSG Hospitals organized a workshop on ‘Neuromodulation in Psychiatry – focusing on Hands on training in repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (rTMS) and advanced ECT therapeutics’ on 19th November 2022.

As many as 50 participants including PSG students, faculty members, PSG alumni, and psychiatrists from various parts of south India and abroad took part in the workshop.

Dr.J.S.Bhuvaneswaran, Director of PSG Super Specialty Hospital, presided over the inaugural function and spoke about the importance of continuing medical education, updating oneself in the recent advances in treatment, and upskilling oneself in those treatments methods.

Dr.G.Raghuthaman, Professor and Head of the Department of Psychiatry PSG hospitals, in his address welcomed the gathering and spoke about rTMS, how it works by applying magnetic field to specific regions of brain, and it’s effectiveness in successfully treating depression even in patients who doesn’t improve with antidepressants.

Guest speaker Dr.K.Muralidharan, Professor of Psychiatry, National Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences (NIMHANS), Bengaluru, gave a lecture on various types of Non-invasive brain stimulation, different types of rTMS machine, basic principle of rTMS treatment, its indications, contraindications, safety, and precautions to be taken while giving rTMS to patients.

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Guest speaker Dr.Preeti.V.Reddy, Assistant Professor of Psychiatry, National Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences (NIMHANS), Bengaluru, highlighted the scientific evidences available for rTMS in treating various psychiatric disorders like Depression, Bipolar Disorder, Schizophrenia, and OCD. She also spoke about ongoing researches in the utilization of rTMS.

During the technical session, Dr.K.Muralidharan and Dr.Preeti.V.Reddy, gave every individual participant hands on experience in how to operate rTMS machine and how to apply rTMS to patients.
During panel discussion, delegates doubts and scientific queries regarding rTMS and ECT therapeutics were addressed.

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