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PSG Institute of Advanced Studies organises International Conference and Startup summit on ” Functional Biomaterials and Synthetic Biology ” (FBSB-2023)

PSG Institute of Advanced Studies organises International Conference and Startup summit on ” Functional Biomaterials and Synthetic Biology ” (FBSB-2023)

Convergence of synthetic biology and biomaterials into a disruptive technology has led to development of novel process and products having unique properties that are useful for mankind. Such convergence yield significant understanding in creation of novel materials.

With an aim to bring together budding scientist, researchers, entrepreneurs, startups and industrial experts to share their research and experiences, the International conference and startup summit on “Functional Biomaterials and Synthetic Biology” (FBSB-2023) and post conference workshop on CRISPR technologies was organized by Dr.R.Selvakumar and Dr.K.Gopal Shankar, Department of Biotechnology, PSG Institute of Advanced Studies, in association with PSG Science & Technology Entrepreneurial Park (PSG-STEP), PSG Center for Academic Research and Excellence (PSG CARE) and Society of Chemical and Synthetic Biology (SCSB) from 31st August to 2nd September 2023.

The conference was supported by DST-SERB, INSA New Delhi, Next Big Innovations lab, Bangalore, Cellink, Bangalore, Reprosci Pvt Ltd, Bangalore.

Dr.J.Kanchana, Deputy Director, PSG Institute of Advanced Studies welcomed the gathering. Dr. K. Gopal Shankar, Assistant professor, School of Biotechnology, NIT Calicut briefed about the conference followed by inaugural address by chief guest Professor U. Kamachi Mudali, Honorable Vice Chancellor, Homi Bhabha National Institute Mumbai and Guest of Honour, Dr. Murali Panchapagesa Muthuswamy, Managing Director, Jananom Private Limited, Coimbatore. Dr. K. Prakasan, Principal, PSG College of Technology delivered the presidential address followed by Vote of Thanks by Dr.R.Selvakumar.

21 invited lectures were delivered by national and international academic and industrial experts from various institutes as listed below.

Academic experts:

· Institute of science and technology for ceramics, Italy

· Liverpool John Moores University, United Kingdom

· University of Portsmouth, United Kingdom

· Kyoto Institute of Technology, Japan

· University of Waterloo, Canada

· New York University, Abu Dhabi

· CSIR Synthetic Biology and Precision Medicine Centre, South Africa

· IISC, Bangalore,

· National Institute of Animal Biotechnology, Hyderabad,

· Central leather research institute, Chennai

· IISER, Thiruvananthapuram

· Sri Chitirai Thirunal Nall institute of medical science and technology, Thiruvananthapuram

Industrial experts from

See Also

· ImmuGenix Biosciences Pvt Ltd, Chennai

· Next Big Innovation Labs, Bangalore

· CELLINK, Bangalore

· Twist Bioscience, Singapore

· Vidya Herbs Pvt. Ltd, Bangalore

· Aventors

24 oral and 36 poster presentations were made by research scholars and post doctoral fellows. More than 100 participants attended the conference from various institutes and industries throughout India. Next Big Innovations lab, Bangalore, Cellink, Bangalore, Reprosci Pvt Ltd, Bangalore, Twist biosciences Singapore displayed theirs advanced 3D bioprinters and related instrument in the exhibits.

Research Scholars and students presented their research work as oral and posters, out of which 3 best oral and 3 best posters were awarded. The conference ended with valedictory function with Dr. K.Sureshkumar, Executive Director, PSG Science & Technology Entrepreneurial Park (PSG-STEP) as chief guest. The Society of Chemical and Synthetic Biology (SCSB) awarded Dr.APJ Abdul Kalam Young scientist award, Life time Achievement Award, Velunachiar Women award and Agathiyar chemical biology award to various scientist and academicians who have contributed significantly to the field of synthetic biology.



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