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PSG Institute of Management celebrates Foundation Day

PSG Institute of Management celebrates Foundation Day

PSGIM is an integral part of the PSG family of institutions. In 1965, PSG launched Tamil Nadu’s first management program, which by 1971 had grown into the department of management studies at PSG College of Technology, making it the state’s first privately-run institution to provide an MBA.

Changes in the business climate and the liberalization of the Indian economy led to its rebranding as the “PSG Institute of Management” in 1994 and its relocation to a purpose-built campus. PSGIM’s MBA programs have grown from an initial intake of 30 to a current yearly enrolment of 400+. PSG Institute of Management celebrated its foundation on 5th September 2023 when the contribution of its alumni were recognized.

The Chief Guest for the program Mr Niranjan Kumar, Senior Vice President, NTT Data inspired the attendees with management thoughts and practices relevant to the changing environment. The Distinguushed alumni awards were presented to Mr. Rajesh Lund, Partner – Srivari Property Developers, Ms. Pushpalatha -Director & Correspondent , Pushpalatha Educational Center and Mr. Prashanth Subramaniam – Cofounder & Director , Quadra systems for their outstanding contribution in their respective fields and the social impact they have made.

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Shri . L. Gopalakrishan, Managing Trustee of PSG & Sons Charities and Mr. G. R. Karthikeyan, Chairman, PSG & Sons Charities presided over the function , Dr. Srividya DirectorI/c, PSGIM, faculty members, students, alumni and industry delegates attended the program. The awardees engaged the audience with a panel discussion on leadership beyond boardroom which was moderated by Mr. Anntony Paul kunnath an alumnus of PSGIM and Managing partner of kunnath papers pvt Ltd.

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