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PSG & Sons Charities Commemorates Staff Day and Birth Anniversary of Founding Trustee, Sri G R Damodaran

PSG & Sons Charities Commemorates Staff Day and Birth Anniversary of Founding Trustee, Sri G R Damodaran

PSG Staff day

PSG & Sons Charities celebrated its annual Staff Day celebration, coinciding with the birth anniversary of its illustrious founding trustee, Dr. G R Damodaran. The event, a cherished tradition among the institutions under the purview of PSG & Sons Charities, was held on February 20th at 4:00 PM in the PSG IMS&R auditorium.

This year’s celebration held special significance as the Charities recognised the remarkable contributions of their dedicated staff members. A total of 62 employees were honoured for their outstanding service: one employee who has completed 50 years of exemplary dedication, 53 employees commemorating 25 years of service, and 8 staff members from PSG Industrial Institute and Neelambar Foundry Division, all were recognized for their meritorious contributions.

Renowned public speaker and philosopher Sri Suki Sivam graced the occasion as the esteemed chief guest. Sri L. Gopalakrishnan, the current managing trustee of PSG & Sons Charities presided , in the esteemed presence of Sri GR Karthikeyan, the chairman of the trust board.

Dr Brinda, Principal of PSG College of Arts and Science, extended a warm welcome to the attendees, while Dr Ramanathan, Principal of PSG College of Pharmacy, delivered the vote of thanks, expressing gratitude on behalf of the institution.

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The Staff Day celebration was a memorable occasion, honouring the legacy of Dr G R Damodaran and acknowledging the invaluable contributions of PSG & Sons Charities’ dedicated staff members.

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