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Sri Ramakrishna College of Arts & Sciences for Women celebrates College Day!

Sri Ramakrishna College of Arts & Sciences for Women celebrates College Day!

College day

The 26th College Day Celebrations of Sri Ramakrishna college of Arts and Science for Women was held  on 3rd February 2017 at .S.N.R Auditorium

SRCW had much to cherish and thank in the successful completion of 26 years, since its inception in 1991. Mrs. Madhana Sundareshwari, Head, Department of Microbiology welcomed the gathering and introduced the Chief Guest of the day. Dr. A. Ebenezer Jeyakumar, Director, Academics gave the Presidential Address and this was followed by the presentation of the college report by the Principal, Dr. K. Chitra for the academic year 2016 to 2017. The Chief Guest of the day was Mr. M. Settu, CEO of Syndicate Exports Pvt Ltd. In his address, he called upon the students to work hard, be smart and be confident to face the challenges of life. Further, he insisted the young minds to accumulate personal, professional, social and spiritual goals to come out successfully in life

The official function was quite too special for SRCW as we had a few things to unveil. Those few things without which a college life is never complete. The release of the college magazine “ANVESHANA 2016 to 2017” brought wide cheer and appreciation. The launch of “FLIP BOOK” took place thereafter.

Distribution of certificate of merit in due  acknowledgement to the students, faculty and non-teaching staff of the college for their exemplary performance in different academic  pursuits formed another segment of the programme. Mr. M. Settu, Chief Guest gave away the prizes to the academic achievers of the year  2016 to 2017.

The following awards were given out :

See Also

Rajalakshmi Endowment Fund Scholarship was bagged by Ms. S. Sree Lakshmy of IIndB.Sc Biochemistry.

The Best Outgoing Student for the academic year 2016 – 2017 was bagged by Ms. Sivasakhti of IIIrd B.Sc Computer Science Batch I in UG and Ms.Karthika of IInd M. Com(CA) in PG.

The programme ended with vote of thanks by College Chairperson Ms.B.M.Sheetal followed by National Anthem.

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