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Startup Rendezvous 2022: a startup pitching event by IIT Palakkad Technology iHub Foundation for deeptech startups

Startup Rendezvous 2022: a startup pitching event by IIT Palakkad Technology iHub Foundation for deeptech startups

IIT Tech Hub Rendezvous 2022

Coimbatore: IIT Palakkad Technology iHub Foundation is inviting startups in the deeptech domain to pitch their ideas and products during its Rendezvous 2022 session which will be happening across the South India,

IPTIF along with KGiSL, Agile Business Incubation Center, By The Startups (BTS) business networking group, Startup Grind and YourCoimbatore have partnered for this event. The Coimbatore edition the first one, is happening on the 21st of November at the KGISL campus.

IIT Tech Hub Rendezvous 2022

According to Mr. Harilal, CEO, IPTIF, “This is our initiative to find the best of the startups in the deep tech domain and help them with grants and investments. This drive will also boost the entrepreneurs to showcase their startups and also get mentored by some of the leading names in the industry. ”

Leading angel investors and venture capitalists are expected to join the event. This would be a great networking opportunity for the startups in the region.

Dates to remember:

Last date to register: 19th November 2022
Event Date: 21st November 2022

See Also

Click here to register: Rendezvous2022

About IPTIF: IIT Palakkad established IIT Palakkad Technology IHub Foundation (IPTIF) to facilitate the Technology Innovation Hub on Intelligent Collaborative Systems (TIH-ICS) setup at IIT Palakkad by NM-ICPS coordinated by the DST, Govt. of India, with an initial approved budget of Rs.100 Crores for a period of 5 years. The targets of this mission will be addressed through IPTIF.

TIH-ICS, through IPTIF, plans to attract potential and harness expertise available nationwide, thus fostering research innovation, world-class technology and product development. IPTIF also plans to build linkages with research institutes and labs within and outside India. One of the primary goals of this company is to work in close collaboration with the industry to deliver commercial technology and products and build a vibrant innovation ecosystem by providing a reliable platform for technology-based start-ups and entrepreneurs.

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