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Tai Chi Heals the Heart and Mind says Sashi Chandran

Tai Chi Heals the Heart and Mind says Sashi Chandran

tai chi

The martial art, Tai Chi, known for its slow movements promotes both mental and cardiac health. In addition, it also helps prevent mobile phone addiction among children, substance abuse among students and young people, and even suicide. A recent study found that Tai Chi is more effective than aerobic exercises in stimulating energy and enthusiasm, making it an excellent treatment tool for heart health.

In Coimbatore, psychologist and Tai Chi expert Shashi Chandran is helping students and youth overcome addiction and suicidal tendencies through Tai Chi training.

During a freewheeling chat with the media she took us on a journey she had with Tai Chi and her work which has culminated in an academic endeavour in PhD at the University of Madras for her personally. The Nitya Gurukula is now helping people in more ways solving their personal issues to leading a healthy lifestyle.

Mobile addiction is one of the most important issues plaguing the young and the adults alike and today kids are making this a habit spending an enormous amount of time on mobile. When the talk of the how the children are addicted to mobile and the remedial measures came up, she had this to say: “In India, many children have become addicted to mobile phones, and similarly, youth have fallen prey to substance abuse. They engage in these activities to escape problems and for temporary pleasure. To free them from these habits, it is crucial to engage with them emotionally. Parents should spend more time with their children and stop simply telling them not to do certain things. Instead, they should encourage them to do positive activities. Parents should avoid using mobile phones in the presence of their children. Moreover, young people and children tend to think and act quickly, but they often lack long-term vision. Addiction arises when the body and mind are unsatisfied.”

Suicide is also a very important term that should be discussed in the open especially with many people taking the extreme step. Counselling can help a lot in the stressful time. She further added “Love failure, mental stress, work pressure, and differences between spouses are some reasons that lead people to attempt suicide. For such individuals, counseling alone isn’t enough; they need exercises that can change their mental state, thats where Tai Chi plays a significant role. Although I am a psychologist, my interest in this art led me to learn Tai Chi from Dr. Paul Lam in Australia. The practice involves very slow movements and emphasizes the well-being of both the body and mind. Since it brings peace to the mind, I include Tai Chi in my counseling sessions for students and the youth. As a result, they experience renewed energy, and even students who previously scored low marks are now achieving higher grades. They also break free from mobile phone addiction, and 99% of those with suicidal thoughts are liberated from them. Those with suicidal thoughts can contact the counseling helpline at 18002030050 between 10 AM and 5:30 PM. I believe this art can guide students and youth onto a better path.”

The Nitya Gurukula is a place which spells tranquility and with specially trained staff and volunteers it opens up literally and welcomes you. The architecture is from Auroville and it inspires the people who work and also those come there.

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Tai Chi

Counselling is centre to the activity at Nitya Gurukula, Sashi Chander who has built a solid team that is compassionate and has been with her for decades now take care of the most important parts in terms of counselling and teaching of Tai Chi. She said, “Initially, only about ten people came for counseling each month, but now the number has grown to 120. People aged 8 to 80 come for counseling, including those seeking advice on how to raise their children. Practicing Tai Chi for just ten minutes daily brings health benefits to the body, mind, and heart. At our Nitya Gurukulam, we offer Tai Chi training along with neuroscience and psychology. ”

Furthermore, an international Tai Chi conference is scheduled to be held in Coimbatore on September 19, where Dr. Paul Lam will participate. More than 300 school and college students are expected to attend this conference which will be hosted at The Coimbatore Club.

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