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Delhi model school in Coimbatore! Where?

Delhi model school in Coimbatore! Where?

Delhi model schools

COIMBATORE: The Delhi government under Aam Aadhmi is best for its education, like Kerala for health. On a recent visit to Delhi, Tamil Nadu’s chief minister witnessed the Model school of Delhi. The outstanding infrastructure and the education quality of such schools have made him think Tamil Nadu should have such schools.

The preliminary step has been taken to install Delhi model schools in Tamil Nadu. The government has chosen the Coimbatore district to implement the pilot experiment. The city’s corporation will turn the existing Deaf and Dumb school near RS Puram into a Residential model school. The single-digit student population of that school will be transferred to nearby schools, as per the sources.

The scheme has become highly successful in Delhi. Currently, admission to such corporation schools is in high demand compared the private ones. The parents are clear that the output should be quality education, not the brand. The Model School’s pattern is aimed to develop overall skills in addition to marks and grades. These Model schools will give the combined coaching to the students to crack National entrance exams and help them land in prestigious institutions.

The officer said that the building damages were under re-construction, and some innovations were needed for smart classrooms and labs. The school will come into operation next year with 280-300 students. State toppers of class tenth would be inducted into the program.

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A cost of 6.5 crores has been allocated for executing the Model school project. Rs 2.2 crores has been collected under Corporate social responsibility and private funds. It is a feature of Namakku Namay thittam under a Public-private partnership.


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