Taste the TV: Now you can taste the food that you watch on TV

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A Japanese professor has created a unique television screen capable of creating food flavors with the tongue. Innovative features are being introduced in various electronic inventions.
TV sets in particular are evolving with a variety of features. Televisions that initially featured images in black and white have now made many strides and are popping up in the TV box market in a colorful, eye-catching way.
In that sense, a Japanese professor has designed a TV screen that senses the taste of the food through the tongue. Homi Miyashita, a professor at Meiji University in Tokyo, designed such a unique TV.
The TV with this new feature is called ‘Taste the TV (TTTV). The professor uses basic chemistry, this TV screen uses 10 different flavor bottles. In a hygienic way, that flavor is sprayed on the screens. This allows you to taste the dishes that are made at home cooking shows.
Commenting on this, Professor Homi Miyashita said, “I created this with the idea of giving people the experience of eating a variety of flavors at the restaurant as if they were at home.” He also said that it cost 100,000 yen to make the screen of this TV. It is noteworthy that he has formed a team of about 30 students and has been discovering many such discoveries.
Logeshwaran J
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