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The problem is with the aliens: the people of Northern Ireland

The problem is with the aliens: the people of Northern Ireland

UFO, Alien

The police station in Northern Ireland received up to 8 complaints of mysterious scenes until last year, this time about 6 mysterious incidents in a single year. As the world is currently rocked by the rising corona epidemic, Northern Ireland is facing a different problem due to aliens and UFOs.

On January 17, in a news release from the downtown area, a local person spoke about the spacecraft and the flashing lights that appeared in the sky. This was followed in May by a white light following a helicopter sighting in the Macaberry area, residents said.

Following this, police received footage of a strange figure appearing on the CCTV of a house in the Newtownby area. Police found a dome-shaped object in the Centerfield area. I could see the light coming from eight places in it.

After June, a local resident complained to police that there were aliens in his bedroom. But this has not been discussed in any international news. In October, police arrested a man who claimed to have been abducted by aliens. In November last month, a local resident told police he saw a strange bright light in the sky and was, therefore, very panicked.

A spokesman for the Northern Ireland Police Department clarified that no investigation was underway into the matter. However, the police are maintaining information on these cases, which have been reported by people about UFOs, strange light in the sky, and aliens.

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