The Purchase of 650 bundles of copra at the Century Regulatory Sales Hall
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The first copra purchase took place on the 11th at the Century Regulatory Sales Hall in Sultanpet Union. Here the grinding cauldron is being bought for Rs. 105.90 per kg and the ball cauldron for Rs. 110 per kg.
390 people have registered to sell their cauldron at this regulated sales hall. They are selling the copra coconuts they produce. Farmers are now interested in selling at the Ginger and Negamam Government Purchasing Centers as the purchase price is higher at the Government Purchasing Centers than at the sales outlets in Kangayam and White Temple areas.
Accordingly, 650 bundles of 50 kg coconuts weighing 50 kg each have been procured so far from 24 farmers at the Ginger Purchasing Station. The cauldron is procured regularly.
Logeshwaran J
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