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The shocking news about Maggi has dissolved everyone’s stomach.

The shocking news about Maggi has dissolved everyone’s stomach.

Nestle, Maggi

Earlier it was reported that Maggie did not have a healthy diet. The world-famous Nestle admits that its food product is ‘not healthy’ and that ice cream is also not good. Maggi, the best-selling food item in the Indian market, is once again embroiled in controversy. But, this time no third person made this accusation. This was reported by Nestle.

Nestle admits that 60 percent of its food, including Maggi and beverages, is unhealthy. This can mean that eating or drinking them is not good for health. It says it is examining the nutritional value of its products and, after that, strategies will change. This is a matter of health. The company also says that efforts are being made to make the product tasty and healthy.

Nestlé’s report is based on an internal survey, according to a report in the Financial Times, which estimates that Nestlé’s food and beverage products account for 37 percent to 3.5 percent. This rating is provided by Australia’s Health Star Rating System. Products are given a score of 1 to 5.

Nestlé’s products are popular all over the world. Maggie Noodles is its most famous product. Nescafe is everyone’s favorite product and is the second most popular brand. According to the company’s internal report, 60 percent of its food items are not listed as healthy.

Since some products have never been healthy, Nestle tried to fix them. Even after that, they did not come on the list of healthy ones, the Financial Times said. Therefore, the company has said it is considering changing its entire portfolio of food products. With the health of the people in mind, they will be provided with a nutritious and balanced diet.

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