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TNAU – IRRI Philippines Research Collaboration on Digital Agriculture

TNAU – IRRI Philippines Research Collaboration on Digital Agriculture

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An interactive meeting between TNAU and IRRI, Manila, Phillipines was organized at the Directorate of Research, TNAU, Coimbatore, on 7.3.2019 to develop a joint research project of mutual interest.
In this connection, Dr. Tri D. Setiyono, Cluster Leader, Geospatial Science & Modeling, International Rice Research Institute (IRRI), Philippines visited Tamil Nadu Agricultural University to discuss research collaboration between TNAU and IRRI related with Remote Sensing – Based Information and Insurance for Crops in Emerging Economies (RIICE) and other international agriculture research initiatives and to seek inputs for co-operation framework on development involving Remote Sensing & GIS technologies. He was accompanied by Dr. J.S. Prasad, Retd. Scientist from Indian Rice Research Institute (IRRI), Hyderabad.

Dr. K.S. Subramanian, Director of Research welcomed the IRRI team, and presented the overview activities and achievement of TNAU and shared some of the landmark events and success stories of TNAU in exploiting Remote Sensing applications in Disaster Management viz., Tsunami, Floods, Drought and Cyclone. He flagged off certain prime areas of interest in Remote Sensing, Field sensors, Artificial intelligence and Machine learning applications in assessing varietal spread, soil and plant health and integrating nano formulations leading to digital solutions for farmers in site specific input management to promote productivity and profitability of farms without associated environmental harm.

Dr. R. Shanthi, Director (DNRM), Dr. V. Geethalakshmi, Director (CM), Dr. S. Panneerselvam, Director (WTC), Dr. K.R. Ashok, Director (CARDS), Dr. R. Mani, Prof. & Head (Agrl. Economics) and Dr. K. Ganesamurthy, Prof. & Head, Dept. of Rice, TNBAU, Coimbatore, shared their point of views about the use of remote sensing in their respective areas of interest. Dr. R. Palanivelan, Professor & Head, Dept. of Remote Sensing & GIS conducted interactive meeting with scientists and students.

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Dr. Tri D. Setiyono, Scientist, IRRI, presented a Seminar on “Crop monitoring strategies through remote sensing and crop modeling” and interacted with scientists and students of TNAU. He had discussion separately with a team of scientists in Directorates of Natural Resource Management, Crop management and CARDS to look into the options of research co-operation between TNAU and IRRI. Scientists also visited the TNAU Insect museum and Paddy Breeding Station. The TNAU-IRRI research collaborations will include digital agricultural initiative, RIICE, developing real time crop information system and IRRI Accelerator Week.

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